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Twilight vibes

The hour change. Let’s discuss. We totally get the daylight savings part – but what about the complete havoc it wreaks on our Cycadean rhythms? Anyone with small ones knows that they don’t look at the clock. So after a full week of waking up at 5.30am we are officially saying down with this sort of thing!

On the other hand, the twilight is arriving ever earlier and the best thing we can do is hunker down, and rather than run from Winter, embrace it. Long, crisp walks, fires lighting, and ducking under your cosiest super soft alpaca throw at the end of the (shorter) days is right up there on the menu. This season more than ever we need to channel our inner hibernation habits and create cosy nooks to read, to relax and to switch off. We need to adapt to the new rhythm of life and instead of restaurants and parties, re-direct ourselves to comforts like hot baths, early nights – and of course a luxury alpaca throw. Have a browse through our collection and treat yourself and your nook to the finest alpaca throws, scarves, wraps and more.

From pop colour blends like Triangle Orange/Duckegg, to Classic Herringbone, right through to Natural Nudes we’ve got you covered. 

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Here in Ireland, the short spell that is summer brings with it a few things; sunburn, ice cream, psychosis, jellyfish, and beats. Beats are included here as every single Irish person feels the urge to wind down their windows when the sun come out, and share their beats. Elbows pop out, shades are applied, and volumes are turned up to the max. In my recent lunchtime meanderings I was privy to a touch of Beyonce, a twist of The White Stripes, and a good blast of the summer staple, The Rolling Stones. On one occasion, I heard Mundy’s July at two different parts, from two different cars, at the same traffic lights. So, in our rainy climate I can only conclude that we are a nation of sharers behind closed windows. And, well, it’s a long winter. So share wildly before you disappear back to the safest place you know – under your Simple Things alpaca blanket.

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As I write, we have just returned form a spell in the French countryside. Plenty of the usual wine, duck, and early morning visits to the bakery. What struck me this time was the absolute accuracy that the French language affords descriptions. Expressions that require sentences to blunder through in English, l’espirit d’escalier – ‘the thought that strikes you after you have left the room’, come d’habitude – ‘as is my normal way’ and the best one yet, for true meaning nut shelled, – égoportrait – the selfie – explained in an efficient slam, ‘a portrait that massages your ego’. So all told, when you say it in French it seems to sound and feel much better. Now, back to the safest place I know, under my Simple Things throw.. Vive!